2016: vulnerability…
December 31, 2016
Dear 2016:
Our time is nearing to an end. And as I say goodbye to never seeing you again, know that you taught me what it means to be vulnerable.
The moments in it, to share more, to feel more, to be more, and for not running when I so wanted to. And when I did, you gave another chance to take the leap.
For the challenges you gave, the failures you threw in my face to be met with bliss of accomplishments I didn’t know were possible.
For showing the mirror to my own shadow and collectively, and learning compassion and a bit of grace because of it.
For testing my patience, my ego especially, to how much I choose to live in love or live in fear.
For those moments of laughter and light with the people in my corner.
For the push to surrender to my own heart…to trust it, to lead with it.
You gave me deep answers, and I leave you with more questions, more ideas, more exploring, more purpose, more truth.
So I stand before you, vulnerable to it all.
Goodbye 2016…thank you xo
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